Thursday, September 24, 2009

My Everyday Tasks

My Everyday Tasks

My main everyday tasks is mostly getting to school on time and class on time also. It is the main task because I don't want to be late for school because I would have to go to the office. Then sit and wait for a teacher to write me a tardy slip.

NEXT, I wouldn't want to be late for class because i would miss something important. If i would have to sign the class tardy book. If the school has any important activity one of the rules to get a pass is to be on time for class.

Finally, I love to be on time for school and I hate when i am late for class and school. I always want to be a teen on time for school. My teachers want me to be on time for school everyday. We get hi'5s when we be on time for school from my principal Mrs.NOEL, or the student dean Mrs.Monte'. My teachers sometimes give us hi5's or their on reward. Being at school on time is a great task to do. WHAT IS YOUR EVERYDAY TASK?