A. I am in the Mississippi river it's full of salt water, I'm pounding my legs in the water.I'm floating like a balloon the water taste so nasty.
B. My family and I are going to see the boats fly around in the water.I felt the waves pushing me back it was so warm.I enjoyed watching the boats.
C. I am looking out the window with all hands forward. I see nothing but rain falling.I feel like i am sad that I can't go out and play in the rain with my friends.But my hair will just get all curly and puffy so it was best for me to stay inside with my family.
D. I am riding on the school bus to go to school. Our bus driver let us put our window down for the first time.I stuck my head out the window and let my hair fly out the window.About time I took my head out the window to see what time it is it was time to go get off the school bus.